Lettering: del dibujo al refinamiento digital
Un curso de LetterMafia
Explora los principios de la caligrafía a mano y las posibilidades de las herramientas digitales para crear letterings inspirados en tus lugares favoritos
Identidad de marca
Branding para emprendedores
Aprenderás paso a paso cómo definir todos los elementos que conforman la identidad visual de tu emprendimiento.
Modalidad: Online course through the online classroom of mamaemprende
Nivel: Inicial | Duración: 1.30 hr.
Mamá Emprende
Aula OnLine
Past events

TypeThursday BCN
TypeThursday is a meeting place for people who love letter shapes. It is currently in different cities around the world. I had the pleasure of being invited to the Barcelona edition and to share the stage with incredible colleagues. I talked about how we can appropriate the spontaneous and “wrong” of the handmade characteristics through the design and creation processes of different typefaces.
March 09, 2023.

Tipos Latinos
Within the framework of the biennial Tipos Latinos 2018, I had the pleasure of giving a talk: «Appropriating the error», the «behind the scene» of French Bulldog, a typography that makes spontaneity emerge from chaos, with different forms that flow randomly, creating thin and thick strokes trying to follow the rules with unpredictable results.
October 22, 2018.
Maratón Tipográfica
Maratón Tipográfica was a typography event, organized by Pulpa and the Xul Solar School of Art, in the city of Junín, Buenos Aires, Argentina. I gave a talk: «When I threw myself into the letters soup» and a workshop: «Amphibious Alphabets».
The event was aimed to students and graphic designers and more than 500 people attended.
Agost 22 & 23, 2018.

La Noche de los museos
With an attendance of approximately 900 people, every year Fundación Gutenberg opens its doors in the framework of «The Night of the Museums», organized by the Government of the City of Buenos Aires. The guests discover the magic of the graphic, the tactile, the creative processes and its potentials. I dictated an open Lettering activity to public of different ages.
November 04, 2017.